Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Pilgrim's Progress

The Pilgrim's Progress
JOHN BUNYAN (1628-1688) was born in Elstow, England and started out as a tinker and a soldier. When he began to have religious experiences, he joined a Christian fellowship and began preaching. In 1660 Bunyan was arrested while preaching and imprisoned for twelve years, during which time he wrote several works. He was released after the Declaration of Indulgence of 1672 and became a licensed preacher and pastor but was sent back to prison for six months when the Declaration was canceled in 1673. During that time he wrote his best known classic, The Pilgrim's Progress. His realism and psychological insight as a writer make him a precursor of the modern novelist. A Puritan, Bunyan also wrote three other influential works: The Life and Death of Mr. Badman (1680); The Holy War (1682); and Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (1666).

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost
I have read "Paradise Lost" four times, and took no less than three semesters on it at university. This was the edition we used to work. Modernised spelling, coherent punctuation (plus variations of it in the notes), good introduction, and enormous work in the notes; this edition has all you need for a good reading of the epic poem.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Legend (Drenai Tales, Book 1)

Legend (Drenai Tales, Book 1)

This tells a compelling and inspirational story of heroism in the days of high adventure - in the Drenai Empire, the legendary captain of the Axe, Druss, awaits his old enemy, Death, in the mountains. If, like me, you have a teenage son who is addicted to computer games and regards books with horror, give him Legend. I can almost guarantee that he'll read it from cover to cover and then ask for more - and that his appetite for books in general will be hugely stimulated as was mine when I first read it. Gemmell's stories crack along at a hair-raising pace and his characters - far from being caricatures - are subtle, ambiguous and engaging. Review by Graham Hancock, whose books include 'Heaven's Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civiliztion' (Kirkus UK) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.