Monday, July 6, 2009

Legend (Drenai Tales, Book 1)

Legend (Drenai Tales, Book 1)

This tells a compelling and inspirational story of heroism in the days of high adventure - in the Drenai Empire, the legendary captain of the Axe, Druss, awaits his old enemy, Death, in the mountains. If, like me, you have a teenage son who is addicted to computer games and regards books with horror, give him Legend. I can almost guarantee that he'll read it from cover to cover and then ask for more - and that his appetite for books in general will be hugely stimulated as was mine when I first read it. Gemmell's stories crack along at a hair-raising pace and his characters - far from being caricatures - are subtle, ambiguous and engaging. Review by Graham Hancock, whose books include 'Heaven's Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civiliztion' (Kirkus UK) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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